Chú thích Phagmodrupa

  1. David Snellgrove & Hugh Richardson (1986) A Cultural History of Tibet, Boston & London: Shambhala, tr 135-6.
  2. David Snellgrove & Hugh Richardson, (1986), pp. 152-4.
  3. Giuseppe Tucci (1949) Tibetan Painted Scrolls, 2 Volumes, Rome: La Libreria dello Stato, tr 692-4.
  4. Chinese perspectives of this may be found in Ya Hanzhang (1991) The Biographies of the Dalai Lamas, Beijing: Foreign Language Press, tr 12-3; Chenqing Ying (2003) Tibetan History, Beijing: China Intercontinental Press, tr 42-52.
  5. David Snellgrove & Hugh Richardson (1986) pp. 153-4, 180-2; Laurent Deshayes (1997) Histoire du Tibet, Paris: Fayard, tr 120
  6. Laurent Deshayes (1997) tr 122-3, 134-46.
  7. Günther Schulemann (1958) Geschichte der Dalai-Lamas, Leipzig: Harassowitz.
  8. Danh sách những người cai trị lấy từ Ngag-dBang Blo-bZang rGya-mTSHo (1995) A History of Tibet, Đại học Indiana, Bloomington, pp. 126-60; Giuseppe Tucci (1971) Deb t'er dmar po gsar ma. Tibetan chronicles by bSod nams grags pa, Roma: IsMEO; Giuseppe Tucci (1949). A list, questionable in some details, is found in Sarat Chandra Das, 'Contributions on the religion, history &c, of Tibet', Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 1881, p. 242.